I would like to say a huge thank you for all the donations for the foodbank we have received! Your generosity has been amazing, so much so, we had to make two trips!
Year 1 & 2 concerts - Wow! Wow! Wow! Both performances were amazing and the children performed so well, loud voices and superb singing. Thank you to all those that came and supported the children and school by buying drinks, mince pies and raffle tickets. The money is to be used for a workshop as part of their topic.
Key Stage Two have visited St Mary’s church and performed the Christmas story through readings and singing of carols. They sang beautifully and represented school exceptionally well.
What an amazing first concert from our Foundation Stage children. They sang beautifully and performed wonderfully. Thank you to all who attended.
Nursery Chatsworth Trip - Thank you to the adults who accompanied their children to experience Christmas in a stately home. It was a magical day for all involved. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a great Christmassy experience.
Nursery Christmas Sing-a-long - Thank you to everyone who came along to support our Nursery children in their Christmas sing-a-long. |
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March 2021