We have switched our curriculum this year from previously teaching French to Spanish. This was decided as part of a pupil voice vote from all children in the previous academic year. We have chosen to follow thePrimary Languages Networkscheme of work to ensure that children get authentic Spanish speaking in their classroom.
We launched Spanish on the 13thSeptember 2021 and enjoyed a fun-filled Spanish day with wear it red and yellow theme.
This year, KS2 will be starting from Stage 1. They will be looking at topics such as ‘A new start’, which allows the children to learn common phrases. The children will also begin to learn numbers and colours in the Autumn term. We use celebrations such as bonfire night and Christmas and incorporate these into our Spanish teaching in Autumn 2.
In the Spring, we move onto ‘Animals I like and don’t like’ and ‘Carnival and playground games’, with the opportunity to begin developing our conversational skills.
In the Summer term, we get to experience familiar books in Spanish. A way to consolidate all that we have learnt this year whilst applying pre existing knowledge to understand unfamiliar vocabulary.
If you do have any questions about our MfL curriculum, please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Bradshaw (MfL Co-ordinator).