In Year 5, we believe in an immersive approach to learning so that children get the most out of every experience. Our topics use meaningful links, which not only hook the learner but also embed the learning.
We begin the year witha trip back in time to discover the history of World War 2 in our topic ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’. During this topic, our children will look at how everybody had a part to play in during the war effort and the key events. We will also pay a visit to Cannon Hall to discover what life was like for evacuees during the war. In the second half of the autumn term we look at the Holocaust and how the crimes during this time changed the world for our future. We will also look at the countries of Europe, focusing on Spain and its similarities and differences with the UK.
After Christmas, we take a look into Earth and Space during our topic ‘One Small Step for High View’. During this topic, we explore Space and take a look at the first Moon landing. During this half term we also look at the Geography of North America.
As we progress through the spring term, we look at the legacy of the Anglo-Saxons on Britain. We look at the seven Kingdoms and how these shaped England and the present counties. We also look at the types of settlements the Anglo-Saxons had and what they used land for.
Our summer term starts with a look at our local area and how land use has changed over time. This normally includes a trip to The National Coal Mining Museum where we explore Barnsley's history as a leader in the coal mining industry. We link this with our science topic of changing materials, as we explore reversible and irreversible changes. Towards the end of the academic year, we look at changes in animals from birth to old age. This includes our work on the human life cycle and puberty.
This year we will are excitied to be continuing on our new journey to learn Spanish! We will look at the part we play in school and the wider world in PSHE. We also look at Buddhism and Judaism in REs. As well as all of this, we learn new coding and tech skills in computing. Year 5 are also very lucky to have the chance to take part in 'Bikeability' where we learn vital cycling skills designed to keep us safe on the roads.
Because of all this fantastic learning, we really focus on reading and how it can develop knowledge and understanding. Each topic will have linked reading texts in guided reading. We have passion for reading in Year 5, both in and out of school.
As part of Upper Key Stage 2, we work hard at becoming more resilient and responsible, taking ownership over our own learning and place in the local community.
With such a busy year, we know children will love their learning journey in Year 5Welcome to Year 5!
In Year 5, we believe in an immersive approach to learning so that children get the most out of every experience. Our topics use meaningful links, which not only hook the learner but also embed the learning.
We begin the year with a trip back in time to discover the history of World War 2 in our topic ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’. During this topic, our children will look at how everybody had a part to play in during the war effort and the key events. We will also pay a visit to Cannon Hall to discover what life was like for evacuees during the war. We will also look at the countries of Europe, focusing on Spain and its similarities and differences with the UK. During the autumn term Year 5 are also very lucky to have the chance to take part in 'Bikeability' where we learn vital cycling skills designed to keep us safe on the roads.
After Christmas, we take a look into Earth and Space in science. During this topic, we explore the solar system including the orbit of the planets and the phases of the moon. During this half term we also look at the Geography of North America where we name the countries and take a look at longitude and latitude.
As we progress through the spring term, we look at the legacy of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain. We look at the legacy of the Saxons and Vikings and how we can spot it still in the current day.
Our summer term starts with a look at our local area and how land use has changed over time. This normally includes a trip to The National Coal Mining Museum where we explore Barnsley's history as a leader in the coal mining industry. We link this with our science topic of changing materials, as we explore reversible and irreversible changes.
Towards the end of the academic year, we look at changes in animals from birth to old age. This includes our work on the human life cycle and puberty.
This year we will are excited to be continuing on our journey learning Spanish! We will look at the part we play in school and the wider world during our One Life sessions for PSHE. We also look at Buddhism and Judaism in RE and compare these to the religions we have previously learnt throughout our school journey. As well as all of this, we learn new coding and tech skills in computing.
Because of all this fantastic learning, we really focus on reading and how it can develop knowledge and understanding. Each topic will have linked reading texts in guided reading. We have passion for reading in Year 5, both in and out of school.
As part of Upper Key Stage 2, we work hard at becoming more resilient and responsible, taking ownership over our own learning and place in the local community.
With such a busy year, we know children will love their learning journey in Year 5! !