Welcome to Year Six This year’s team consists of Mrs Darrington, Mr Cavanagh, Mrs Morley, Mrs Smith and Miss Moss
Class Dojo Please join us on Class Dojo for regular updates, photos, key information and the easiest way to contact us.
Work Hard Play Hard This is our motto! Being the final year of the children’s time at High View, as well as preparing for SATs and high school, we make sure that we recognise all the children’s “lasts”: their last first day back in September, their last Christmas party etc. We also fill the year with lots of trips to excite the children and to provide first hand experiences, including a River walk, Crucial Crew, our end-of-year reward trip, and, of course Robinwood (our three day adventure holiday).
Autumn Term Our last first day at High View. We begin the year by navigating the world in DT and making our voices heard in art. We explore the importance of Black History and investigate rivers around the world in Geography. We’ll be heading to Crucial Crew to equip the children with the necessary life skills for keeping safe as they grow older and more independent. We adore reading at High View and we begin the year enjoying The Nowhere Emporium by Ross McKenzie. December will then bring two of the most exciting times of this year – Christmas and Robinwood!
Spring Term New year, new year’s resolutions and new topics. We will be looking at the ever-changing world we live in by learning all about the British Empire. Our Geography learning will transport us to South America and in science we will be exploring and deepening our understanding of what we learnt about electricity in Year 4. This will help us with our DT project: Electrical Systems where we will make a steady hand game. Our class text this term will be Boy at the Back of The Class by Onjali Rauf followed by a fan favourite, Holes by Louis Sachar. Also during this term, SATs booster sessions will begin.
Summer Term After the small matter of SATs are done and dusted, we begin our final topics of the year where we venture into Ancient Greek civilisation and the depths of the rainforest to learn how important and valuable it is to us all. Our first class text will be Can You See Me? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott to help us prepare for our transition to high school. Our final class text will be Darwin's Dragons by Lindsay Galvin - a fantastic read to finish the year. As the year draws to a close, celebrations are where our focus heads. Children will be attending an awards ceremony to celebrate their unique personalities and skills; performing their big End of Year Six production (during which we will see who the real divas are!); and a surprise trip to reward all the hard work the children put into year six.
Goodbyes By July, your children will be ready to continue on their own adventures, moving onto high school after their successful primary education. It will be an honour to have been part of the beginning of their lifelong journey and we will wave them on their way knowing that High View have given them the best start that we possibly could.
Learning life skills at Crucial Crew!
Celebrating amazing achievement!
Creating creatures in science - new types of mammals, reptiles etc.
Designing our own variation of finch with our parents!