If ever parents need any advice or support - please contact us. Our doors are ALWAYS open!
A warm welcome to High View Primary Learning Centre The dedicated, caring and hard-working staff at our school share the ultimate aim of offering exciting and challenging opportunities for all our children to become lifelong independent learners, who experience joy and success in working hard to fulfil their potential. We strongly value the partnership between home and school and hope that you will take every opportunity to become actively involved in the life of High View.
I hope the information contained in our website will give you an insight into our provision here.
Attendance Officer Mrs Paling liaises with Mrs Darrington and Julie Marsh (EWO) and is responsible for the monitoring of children’s attendance. Mrs Paling's role is to ensure that children attend school. She liaises with parents in relation to unauthorised absences and advises regarding the taking of holidays during term time. Parent Support Advisor The principal role of Mrs Robinson, the PSA, is to promote positive pupil behaviour and attendance. Following EWO guidance, Mrs Robinson may undertake home visits relating to pupil attendance. Parents are invited to discuss any aspects of their child’s behaviour and/or attendance with Mrs Robinson. Our PSA works in a multi-agency environment, with Social Services, the School Nurse Service, CAMHS (Children, Adolescence and Mental Health Services) and other agencies where appropriate. Mrs Robinson is a Specialist Leader in Behaviour and Attendance and facilitator of the Webster Stratton Positive Parent Programme.
If you have any worries and concerns about your child's attendance, behaviour, welfare or wellbeing, please make contact with Mrs Robinson or Mrs Paling who will be happy to work with you.
There also may be advice online at http://www.netmums.com/
Pastoral Care Pastoral care is the term used to describe how schools monitor the health and welfare of children while they are at school.
It is vital that school is provided with the latest information on your child’s health and social circumstances so that the right amount of empathy and sympathy can be employed when dealing with them.
The class teacher is responsible for pastoral care and must be made aware of any exceptional circumstances which may affect your child’s learning. If a child has a problem, please discuss it immediately with the teacher so that we can resolve it as early as possible.
Close co-operation between home and school can help considerably at such times. Please contact us before minor problems grow into major ones.
Any Questions? For any questions regarding your child’s education, please contact their class teacher directly either by making an appointment or calling the school.
If your question is not dealt with sufficiently, please ask to speak to their phase leader.
EYFS – Mrs J Banks (EYFS Teacher/EYFS Leader)
KS1 – Mrs S Ottewell (Y2 Teacher/KS1 Leader/Early Reading Lead)
Y4 and Y5 - Mr W Cavanagh (Y6 Teacher/Maths Lead)
Y3 and Y6 – Miss C Gallagher (Y4 Teacher/Curriculum Lead)
Following that, you should arrange a meeting with the Deputy Headteacher (Mrs Simpson) or the Headteacher (Miss Smith).
If you have a complaint about the school, the complaint policy is attached below and a paper copy can be requested via the school office.