Welcome to Year Four This year, Mrs Clow, Mrs Whittaker (maternity), Miss Horne, Miss Moss, Mrs Allen, Mrs Hudson, Mrs Bailey and Mrs Goodwin make up the team in Year 4. In Year 4 we believe in a creative curriculum to help immerse the children into topics taught. We also ensure a rich variety of trips and experiences to help embed, enhance and engage. To get the year off to a flying start, we are journeying back in time to Ancient Roman Britain where we will find out what the Romans really did for us. As part of our geography, we will look at cities of the UK and compare how they look now to how they looked in the past. Our science starts with changing state and ends with electricity. In art, we will draw and experiment with light and dark/shades and tints. Spring is a busy term! We will explore the British Monarchy and during this topic we will take a trip to London to experience first-hand how the monarchy has evolved over time, specifically Henry VIII and his wives. We also look at sound and explore the counties of the UK. Spring sees our first DT topic where we design, build and make pavilions. Through the Summer term, we will we will explore the Ancient Egyptians including pharaohs, pyramids and their Gods and Goddesses. For our science topic we will be seeking out animals and their habitats. Also this year, the children will spend time with Mr Townsend learning to play the drums. At the end of the year they will put on an amazing concert and you will be able to go and enjoy listening to the results of their hard work. With such a busy and fun-filled year we are sure the children will thoroughly love their time with us in year 4!