Tuesday 5.1.22
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Please see attached documents for letters that have been sent home today.
Please see attached documents for letters that have been sent home today.
Monday 4th January 2021.
Dear Parent / Carer,
As you’re probably aware, earlier today the government announced that all schools in the UK must close from tomorrow except to pupils of key workers and those that are considered vulnerable (you will be notified by school if your child falls into this group). We must follow this instruction and therefore the school will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow to give school staff the opportunity to make plans for key worker and vulnerable children to return to school on Wednesday 6th January and for other children to access remote learning from home.
If you have not yet notified school that you are a key worker (see list at the bottom of this letter) please do so by no later than 10 am tomorrow morning.
We will put information on the school website/class dojo and as always seesaw (our platform for remote learning|) regarding how to access remote learning for those children who are not in school.
As advised in previous letters, your child’s learning is most important and it is crucial that at this time that we work together to enable your child/ren to access remote learning and continue with their education. If you have any difficulties please contact school immediately.
At present we believe that the school will be closed until February Half Term. We will keep you up to date as and when we receive further information from the government.
Thank you for all your continued support at this difficult time
Key Worker List:
Health and social care
This includes, but is not limited to, doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributors of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.
· Education and childcare
· This includes:
· Key public services
· This includes:
· those essential to the running of the justice system
· religious staff
· charities and workers delivering key frontline services
· those responsible for the management of the deceased
· journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting
· Local and national government
· This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of:
· the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, and the delivery of and response to EU transition
· essential public services, such as the payment of benefits and the certification or checking of goods for import and export (including animal products, animals, plants and food), including in government agencies and arms-length bodies.
This includes:
· police and support staff
· Ministry of Defence civilians
· contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and EU transition)
· fire and rescue service employees (including support staff)
· National Crime Agency staff
· those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas.
Miss T Smith
Dear Parent / Carer,
As you’re probably aware, earlier today the government announced that all schools in the UK must close from tomorrow except to pupils of key workers and those that are considered vulnerable (you will be notified by school if your child falls into this group). We must follow this instruction and therefore the school will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow to give school staff the opportunity to make plans for key worker and vulnerable children to return to school on Wednesday 6th January and for other children to access remote learning from home.
If you have not yet notified school that you are a key worker (see list at the bottom of this letter) please do so by no later than 10 am tomorrow morning.
We will put information on the school website/class dojo and as always seesaw (our platform for remote learning|) regarding how to access remote learning for those children who are not in school.
As advised in previous letters, your child’s learning is most important and it is crucial that at this time that we work together to enable your child/ren to access remote learning and continue with their education. If you have any difficulties please contact school immediately.
At present we believe that the school will be closed until February Half Term. We will keep you up to date as and when we receive further information from the government.
Thank you for all your continued support at this difficult time
Key Worker List:
Health and social care
This includes, but is not limited to, doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributors of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.
· Education and childcare
· This includes:
- childcare
- support and teaching staff
- social workers
- specialist education professionals who must remain active during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response to deliver this approach
· Key public services
· This includes:
· those essential to the running of the justice system
· religious staff
· charities and workers delivering key frontline services
· those responsible for the management of the deceased
· journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting
· Local and national government
· This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of:
· the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, and the delivery of and response to EU transition
· essential public services, such as the payment of benefits and the certification or checking of goods for import and export (including animal products, animals, plants and food), including in government agencies and arms-length bodies.
- Food and other necessary goods
- This includes those involved in food:
- production
- processing
- distribution
- sale and delivery
- as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines)
This includes:
· police and support staff
· Ministry of Defence civilians
· contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and EU transition)
· fire and rescue service employees (including support staff)
· National Crime Agency staff
· those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas.
Miss T Smith
Sunday 3rd January 2021
Please see the attached letter which has been sent out today to parents/carers - 3rd January 2021 regarding the current situation regarding schools.
Please see the attached letter which has been sent out today to parents/carers - 3rd January 2021 regarding the current situation regarding schools.
Whole School Reopening. |
Saturday 2nd January 2021
Dear Parents
I am writing to keep you all updated with developing news about schools opening on Monday. My intention is to simply inform you and prevent any misleading social media posts from causing unnecessary stress or anxiety.
The NAHT (headteachers’ union) has just initiated a legal challenge to the government’s decision to reopen schools next week.
Also, the NEU (England’s largest teaching union) has today advised its members of their “legal right” not to return to their classrooms next week amid serious health and safety fears.
I’m sharing this with you so you have the opportunity to make plans in case there are any changes made to next week’s opening arrangements. This may or may not end up being the case.
Please be aware that I don’t have any answers for you at the moment but I sincerely hope we are able to return as planned on Monday.
The news today simply adds uncertainty following the governments uturn regarding closure of London borough primary schools late this week.
I will try to keep families updated as soon and as best as I can. It is important to remember though ...as of this moment (Saturday 2nd Jan) ... all children at our school are expected to return on Monday 4th January.
Many thanks for your continued support and understanding.
Miss Smith.
Dear Parents
I am writing to keep you all updated with developing news about schools opening on Monday. My intention is to simply inform you and prevent any misleading social media posts from causing unnecessary stress or anxiety.
The NAHT (headteachers’ union) has just initiated a legal challenge to the government’s decision to reopen schools next week.
Also, the NEU (England’s largest teaching union) has today advised its members of their “legal right” not to return to their classrooms next week amid serious health and safety fears.
I’m sharing this with you so you have the opportunity to make plans in case there are any changes made to next week’s opening arrangements. This may or may not end up being the case.
Please be aware that I don’t have any answers for you at the moment but I sincerely hope we are able to return as planned on Monday.
The news today simply adds uncertainty following the governments uturn regarding closure of London borough primary schools late this week.
I will try to keep families updated as soon and as best as I can. It is important to remember though ...as of this moment (Saturday 2nd Jan) ... all children at our school are expected to return on Monday 4th January.
Many thanks for your continued support and understanding.
Miss Smith.
Remote Home Learning;
In the light of recent government announcements, and with the growing number of positive tests occurring across the country, we are now in the position to have a plan in place should/when this occurs at High View and/if a bubble should close within High View.
Positive Test:
The first thing that would happen if the test came back during school hours would be:
- School will track and trace the people who have been in contact with the person with a positive test, using government criteria. - Those affected would receive a text to ask them to collect their child immediately from school. Based on the year group, the location will be shared on the text message.
- All people who have come into contact with the positive case must self-isolate for 14 days. School will inform of the exact date of return based on the information shared by Public Health England.
Action for Home Learning:
- Once your child is at home, school will have a learning package ready to begin the following day.
- Children will be given an age-appropriate Remote Learning Book. This is where they will complete all of their work. An image of this work is to then be uploaded onto our learning platform, Seesaw. Please make sure you can access this; if you need any support with logon or devices, please do not hesitate to contact school.
On the day of a positive test, the children will be sent home with a resource pack with pens, pencils, whiteboard, support resources ( e.g. number lines, high frequency words) to support with their online learning. Should it be over the weekend, we will ask those who can to collect these from school at a designated time, and for anyone who is unable to do so, school will deliver to doorsteps.
-Your child’s class teacher will have a timetable ready to share with you, as your child will be expected to logon to Teams throughout the day to access live lessons; this will include registration in the morning and then in the afternoon to support the learning at home. We have looked into the safest platform and throughout our Trust we have chosen to use Microsoft Teams.
- Lessons and school work will continue to be set throughout the day and uploaded using Seesaw.
- School adults will be commenting and feeding back on work uploaded throughout the day. Should your child need further communication through the adult they may be invited to a live lesson through Teams or videos on Seesaw.
- If the class teacher or any staff become ill, you will be informed of any change in the adult supporting the remote learning.
- Should the class teacher have no contact on the morning Team greeting, or no ‘good morning’ message sent on Seesaw, the school will continue to follow the attendance policy. Teachers will keep a record on the morning call to see who has made contact and those who haven’t. If there is no contact by 10.00 am, school will send a text, and then if no contact is made we will ring, and further to that a home visit will possibly be made.
- Should your child be ill and not able to access the learning, again please follow the normal procedure and ring school. This keeps us up to date with how the children are whilst isolating. If a class teacher is having to self-isolate due to Track and Trace:
- Once a member of staff, i.e. teacher/teaching assistant, has been told to self-isolate due to Track and Trace, they will leave immediately.
- School will organise the running of the class and the adult/supply teacher who will be covering in their absence. This will be communicated to parents as soon as it organised via a letter, which will be emailed.
- Should the member of staff not display symptoms and are well enough they will continue to support the teaching of the pupils in school. They will ‘Team‘ certain lessons to ensure high quality learning takes place and contact with the pupils will continue.
- Should the teacher display symptoms and test positive, school will contact the affected people and share actions based on the information from Public Health.
If your child has been told to self-isolate for 14 days:
- Work will be provided for your child on Seesaw. This will match the work completed by all pupils in school. If your child is fit and well they are expected to complete all the work provided. If there are issues with ICT please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible, as school can support with this matter.
- As the class teacher is in class teaching all day the feedback will be daily, but limited, due to working with the pupils in school.
- If there are any issues they will contact you and you can contact them.
We know these are very uncertain times and there are always changes and updates as we progress during this pandemic. However, school continues to reflect, research and amend all plans in place for the health and well-being of pupils and their education. As always we appreciate your continuing positive attitude and support. We will update you with our plans as and when we continue moving forward.
In the light of recent government announcements, and with the growing number of positive tests occurring across the country, we are now in the position to have a plan in place should/when this occurs at High View and/if a bubble should close within High View.
Positive Test:
The first thing that would happen if the test came back during school hours would be:
- School will track and trace the people who have been in contact with the person with a positive test, using government criteria. - Those affected would receive a text to ask them to collect their child immediately from school. Based on the year group, the location will be shared on the text message.
- All people who have come into contact with the positive case must self-isolate for 14 days. School will inform of the exact date of return based on the information shared by Public Health England.
Action for Home Learning:
- Once your child is at home, school will have a learning package ready to begin the following day.
- Children will be given an age-appropriate Remote Learning Book. This is where they will complete all of their work. An image of this work is to then be uploaded onto our learning platform, Seesaw. Please make sure you can access this; if you need any support with logon or devices, please do not hesitate to contact school.
On the day of a positive test, the children will be sent home with a resource pack with pens, pencils, whiteboard, support resources ( e.g. number lines, high frequency words) to support with their online learning. Should it be over the weekend, we will ask those who can to collect these from school at a designated time, and for anyone who is unable to do so, school will deliver to doorsteps.
-Your child’s class teacher will have a timetable ready to share with you, as your child will be expected to logon to Teams throughout the day to access live lessons; this will include registration in the morning and then in the afternoon to support the learning at home. We have looked into the safest platform and throughout our Trust we have chosen to use Microsoft Teams.
- Lessons and school work will continue to be set throughout the day and uploaded using Seesaw.
- School adults will be commenting and feeding back on work uploaded throughout the day. Should your child need further communication through the adult they may be invited to a live lesson through Teams or videos on Seesaw.
- If the class teacher or any staff become ill, you will be informed of any change in the adult supporting the remote learning.
- Should the class teacher have no contact on the morning Team greeting, or no ‘good morning’ message sent on Seesaw, the school will continue to follow the attendance policy. Teachers will keep a record on the morning call to see who has made contact and those who haven’t. If there is no contact by 10.00 am, school will send a text, and then if no contact is made we will ring, and further to that a home visit will possibly be made.
- Should your child be ill and not able to access the learning, again please follow the normal procedure and ring school. This keeps us up to date with how the children are whilst isolating. If a class teacher is having to self-isolate due to Track and Trace:
- Once a member of staff, i.e. teacher/teaching assistant, has been told to self-isolate due to Track and Trace, they will leave immediately.
- School will organise the running of the class and the adult/supply teacher who will be covering in their absence. This will be communicated to parents as soon as it organised via a letter, which will be emailed.
- Should the member of staff not display symptoms and are well enough they will continue to support the teaching of the pupils in school. They will ‘Team‘ certain lessons to ensure high quality learning takes place and contact with the pupils will continue.
- Should the teacher display symptoms and test positive, school will contact the affected people and share actions based on the information from Public Health.
If your child has been told to self-isolate for 14 days:
- Work will be provided for your child on Seesaw. This will match the work completed by all pupils in school. If your child is fit and well they are expected to complete all the work provided. If there are issues with ICT please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible, as school can support with this matter.
- As the class teacher is in class teaching all day the feedback will be daily, but limited, due to working with the pupils in school.
- If there are any issues they will contact you and you can contact them.
We know these are very uncertain times and there are always changes and updates as we progress during this pandemic. However, school continues to reflect, research and amend all plans in place for the health and well-being of pupils and their education. As always we appreciate your continuing positive attitude and support. We will update you with our plans as and when we continue moving forward.