Our school Leadership Team are monitoring the weather condition and forecast updates. We will inform you by 6.30 a.m. on Thursday 1st March 2018 as to whether or not the school will be open. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Just a reminder of forthcoming important calendar dates for school; 01.03.18 World Book Day Y1 Bikeability 02.03.18 Y1 Bikeability 05.03.18 Y3 Parent Workshop 07.03.18 Y1 Assembly 9 am 13.03.18 FS2 trip to Frankie & Benny's Girls Tag Rugby 1-3pm 15.03.18 Y3 Assembly 9.15am 20.03.18 FS2 trip to Frankie & Benny's Y3 trip to Creswell Crags 21.03.18 Easter Production 2.15pm 23.03.18 Break up for Easter Just to let you all know that the school Book Fair will be in school from Thursday 1st March (home time) until Thursday 8th March (home time). Book tokens will sent home on Friday 2nd March.
Parent Pupil Mentoring will be taking place the week commencing 5th March. Please make sure that you make an appointment. If you have any issues please contact the class teacher as we are all looking forward to seeing you all.
Just a reminder that next Thursday, 1st March 2018 is World Book Day. Children are invited to dress up as a character from one of their favourite books. We can't wait to see how great they will all look.
Parents are welcome to come and read with their child from 2.45pm. Please come to reception to sign in and an adult will take you to class. World Book Day is a great way to celebrate how fantastic and important "reading" is to all of us. Make sure you check the year group blogs for photographs of the children in their costumes. |
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March 2021